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Busker's Ball Press Kit




Who is Mikey? He’s been the boogeyman of the streets for months, terrorizing women who are unlucky enough to cross his path. That is, until Anora North, a street busker, tipped off the coppers as to Mikey’s whereabouts. That should have been the end of it with Mikey behind lock and key. But last night Mikey escaped and the word on the street is that he’s not too happy that Anora ratted him out. News of Mikey’s escape breaks at the Busker’s Ball, an annual party where Johanna Tart showcases top busking talent in hopes of recruiting new busker’s. But Mikey’s out there somewhere. Could be anywhere. Could even be at the party right now.

Fast Facts

Genre Fast Facts

Cast Fast Facts

Production History

2018 WhatNot Theatrics  Seattle, WA

Busker's Ball collaborates with actor's by leaving sections designated in the text for the actors to fill in based on their own talents. The Parts That Are Routines are true and allows the actors to fill in the blanks to ensure that no two productions will ever be the same.

The cast includes 9 women with a cameo by Mikey

Staging Fast Facts

The original production was one on a small, proscenium stage. Perfect for black box up to larger theatrical spaces.

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WhatNot Theatrics is fiscally sponsored by Shunpike and a 4Culture Sustained Arts Recipient


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